Student getting back into Programming from a sixteen year hiatus. I currently work in the IT Field as an advisor for Storage Area Networks, and have certifications from VMWare, and SNIA.

Working on a computer forensics degree from Metro State.

Your Student Instructor for this semester! .Net Programming student I like to dance and sew. I work in embroidery and I am learning digitizing.

A student of .net programming, looking to better himself.

Former achievements include defending Azeroth from the Horde, and assassinating templars during the industrial revolution in London. Current student at HTC.

Jump back, let me kiss myself. HAAAYY!

I'm 25. Recently graduated from MCTC. Culinary arts major. And now trying to learn about .net programming. I like to play video games with my 6 year old son.

.net programmer who does not know much yet. spend all my time programming at work , learning more at home, and hanging out with my kids.

Work days as a Database developer, and take night classes to get my .Net Programming certificate. Weekends are spent doing anything outside, and NOT looking at a computer screen!

New to HTML/CSS. Looks intimidating!!

The course instructor. Your humble guide to learning HTML/CSS.

Student - currently way over my head - will update if that changes

In Transportation planning at Hennepin county at the moment. Working on .net programming. Aaa!

The pilot of the group. Your guide to the open skies.